I hope that i will see you again song
I hope that i will see you again song

i hope that i will see you again song

She sang three more songs but still they went on cheering. He says, “She tried to leave the stage, but the men were clapping and cheering.

i hope that i will see you again song

A veteran named Roy Welland talked about Lynn’s magical presence as he watched her perform live. There was a lot of love and respect for Vera Lynn during World War II. Lynn With Soldiers in the Far East During WW2 She went to meet the British soldiers, sang a number of her songs, and gave autographs. “By 1944, she was entertaining troops in person, singing at a camp in Burma not far from where a battle raged against the Japanese” (Barbash).

i hope that i will see you again song

Lynn did not just sing in a recording studio, she actually sang live for soldiers in places not far from battles and bombings. Soldiers listened to her on the radio and she had a great part to play in keeping up their morale.

i hope that i will see you again song

In addition, Lynn’s song was able to cheer up the soldiers and captivate their hearts. The song served a great purpose during the war and gave soldiers what they probably needed the most which was hope to keep fighting through their emotional and physical pain due to the war. Vera Lynn’s, “We’ll Meet Again” had an everlasting effect on people, especially soldiers. In addition, even after the war ended “it was earmarked by the BBC’s Wartime Broadcasting Service (WTBS), designed to provide public information and morale-boosting broadcasts for 100 days after a nuclear attack, as a key part of their playlist” (“BBC”). Strangelove and Dennis Potter’s musical, The Singing Detective” (“BBC”). Her song has been featured in other films such as, “The closing music for both Stanley Kubrick’s Cold War satire, Dr. “We’ll Meet Again” was also the title of a musical film, starring Vera Lynn herself in the lead role in the year 1943. “We’ll Meet Again” came out in a time of need and this was one of the main reasons why so many people greatly appreciated her influential lyrics. Lynn’s song had a crucial role to play for those at home and those at the war because they needed something to help them escape their miseries. War and violence will expire and the bright days with peace shall return. Lynn was able to inspire people that the sorrows of the war will fade away just as how dark clouds clear up after a storm. These lines literally depict the war for instance, the dark skies from the bombings. The specific lines of the song, “But I know we’ll meet again, some sunny day, keep smiling through, just like you always do, till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away,” expresses encouraging and optimistic thoughts, where people, especially couples, should be strong through the separation and believe that they will see each other again. Although it was evident that many soldiers did not survive the war, Lynn was still able to motivate listeners and audiences to think positive. Even though this was a difficult and painful time with the soldiers departing and leaving their loved ones behind, Lynn says, “Tell them it won’t be long” meaning that they will return to their families and the good times will come back soon. The message was directed to the soldiers and families that had to endure agony from departing during World War II. Lynn’s wartime song was used as propaganda to “Boost the morale” of the people of Britain by sending the message of faith. “We’ll Meet Again” has a soft soothing rhythm that gave people hope that things will get better and that eventually sadness will come to an end. Vera Lynn’s We’ll Meet Again, was one of the most popular songs during World War II in Britain. The song was written in 1939 by Ross Parker and Hughie Charles.

I hope that i will see you again song